
Procrastination at it's Best

There is nothing like a deadline to fuel my creativity.  I have to deliver 6-8 paintings this friday for a local show.  Most of my cancer cells are at another show in Denver.  So I really need to get some new pieces...in two days.

Click on this link to see the video diary of exactly how it's going.

Stay tuned for Thursday and Friday's post for an update on the progress.


This is Pretty Rad

I found this graffiti in the mecca of downtown Loveland.  It's in an ally where drug deals go down and people are gettin' dropped.  Nah, we aren't that hard.  Actually this is the first graffiti art, or any graffiti, I've seen in the alleys.  I love it!

I wanted you to notice how this is temporary graffiti.  I zoomed in on the flower so you can see the edges of the poster--this art has not been spray painted on the wall.  Putting your message out there does not mean you need to deface or destroy property.  So, to make an all natural removable sticker use "wheat paste" (the recipe is below).

Comments or thoughts on the artists message in this graffiti?  Or just go wild and create your own rad graffiti with a message.

Wheat Paste Recipe:
1/3 cup white flour
1 cup water
container with lid
and your image or poster

1. Pour flour into your container and add most of the water.  Stir with spoon until the mixture has the consistency of glue like paste.  If it's to thick add the rest of the water.  If it's watery add more flour.  Cover the container with the lid to prevent it from drying out.
2. Paint the surface you want to adhere your poster to with a layer of paste.  Immediately smooth your poster on top of it.  Be sure that the corners are sticking.  Then brush a thin layer of paste over your poster to weatherproof it.  Wahlah, your done!  Just be sure you wear black and run from the blue and red lights.  (Disclaimer: this is not advice from Hopkins Law)


Post Your Message

The blog post today is my challenge to you to post your message in a public forum like Linked-In/Facebook/Twitter/Your Blog...who knows who it will affect.

My yoga classes have made me more conscious (no pun intended) of taking a moment to breathe deeply when feeling stressed or anxious.  Although, I am seriously horrible at meditating for an extended period of time.  My first attempt at meditating was a 15 minute group session.  All I could think about was the itch on my nose, the burning sensation in my back, and when I could move.  It hasn't changed my life but hopefully I'll get better as my yoga training continues...or else.  I haven't taken the time to understand the science behind what happens in the brain when meditating.  But I have no doubt that it's all good.  The link below is a great article and reminder to be still and take a breather.




To get your message into the community, make a piece of art (collage, painting, handmade item, photo, sculpture from found objects, poem, whatever) and donate it to a local non-profit organization as an auction item for a fundraiser.  Help someone else or an organization that can continue to provide a service for your community.

My donation is to a local cystic fibrosis fundraiser.  Sixty-five artists were given the task to paint a rose.  Of course I had to do the opposite of something realistic and expected when you think of a rose.  Even though it doesn't convey my message I wanted to put the idea of donating art in your head.

Click here if you'd like more details on the event my painting is going towards.


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